
According to recent statistics, the average base salary for a speech therapist in the US in 2023 is approximately $83,000 per year. This figure is largely influenced by experience, setting, and geographic location, with the highest earners typically earning the most in skilled nursing facilities. Outlined below are the salary statistics for speech therapy in the US as of 2023. The data gathered depicts statistics for the top 5 states from Glassdoor, Indeed, and Salary statistics per annum

Indeed Salary statistics per annum

Glassdoor Salary statistics per annum

While the base salary for a speech therapist in the US in 2023 is an average of $83,000, there is a wide range of salaries that can be earned depending on factors such as location, experience, and specialization. Board Certified Specialists are likely to earn more than those who don’t specialize, and those in skilled nursing facilities are likely to make more than those in other settings. The speech therapy profession has a promising future, and the wages and benefits are appealing to many. With the right training and experience, speech therapists can look forward to a secure and rewarding career.

Networking Platform for Speech Language Pathologists

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